Official Club Sponsors


Stanford-Le-Hope Cricket Club News story

Winter Bonus Ball

14 Nov 2023

We will be running a Winter Bonus Ball again this year. This will run for 18 weeks from 2nd December until 30th March.

The cost for one number is £20

There will be increased prizes for Christmas, New Year, and on the first draw of each month. Prizes are as follows:

2 x £75
5 x £40
11 x £30

If you had a number during the Summer Bonus Ball, you will have first refusal to retain your number this time around. Please let me know if you would like to keep your number, by commenting on this post, or emailing me on

Payment is to be made by bank transfer, and the SLHCC bank details for payments by bank transfer are as below.

Bank:  Santander
Account Name:  Stanford-le-Hope Cricket Club
Sort Code:  09-01-55
Account Number:  53163604

Details of the winning number will be posted on Facebook, and also updated on the club website, every week.

Thank you!
